Sunday, October 10, 2010


Note: The idea for this post came up while I was doing a book review for Max Lucado's  book Fearless: Imagine your Life Without Fear.

As I am reading a chapter from a book I'm reviewing, I was amazed by the vividness of the author's description on what could have transpired on the fishing boat during the New Testament story about the storm.

In the story, the apostles were fearful for their lives while Jesus lay asleep. Before that night, the apostles should have already seen Jesus doing amazing things and that the storm shouldn't have been a cause for alarm, but it did alarm them. They woke Jesus and He commanded for the wind to be still and it followed.
I remember many events in my life when Jesus came through for me in the midst of my own spiritual battles and I should already have enough faith for the daily challenges of life. But I didn't. I am one of those who have spiritual amnesia.

A few weeks ago, my bosses came for a visit and about the same time other execs also came. We were scheduled to have an event and everything was going well until I checked on the execs' credentials.

One of the execs graduated from the same field as I did and he had vast experiences in the same industry. I became scared and I panicked! The night before the presentation, I lost sleep running various scenarios in my head, making sure the team and I would be able to answer any technical questions.

However, morning came and the time to present came and went. None of my fears materialized. Everything went smooth.

On another occasion, Jesus went out to pray while the apostles were on the boat, waiting on Him. Suddenly, they saw Jesus walking on the water. Peter, impulsive as he was, predictably volunteered to walk on water towards Jesus. After a few successful steps, he began sinking as soon as he realized that he was walking on deep waters. And as soon as he cried for help, Jesus came to his rescue.

As I look back, I find myself in the shoes of Peter, wanting to do great things for God, yet never having the focus to fix my eyes on Jesus. So I sink.

Yet I take hope that when I cry out, Jesus' hand will be there.