Monday, May 30, 2011


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Early this year, rumours of changes in my company, specifically in our research organization, started to circulate. Rumours ranged from budget cuts to disbandment.
Last month, the official decision was relayed to me by my boss: our organization is being disbanded and our next assignments were still being figured out.  No other information was given.

What followed in the next few weeks were frantic attempts on my part to strategize and come up with proposals to various scenarios. I felt that we were already on our own and once other groups find out, they will quickly choose those they want on their team. Images of slaves being sold to the highest bidder came to mind as I grappled with the reality of the disbandment.

It was only when I had accepted the fact, short of a Divine intervention, that nothing I can do or say will reverse the decision - me being many levels below in the corporate org chart and being half-a-world away from corporate HQ, did I felt relief from the uncertainty.

It was time to step back and wait on God as He fights this battle for me. I had to muster what little faith that I have to just let God. I did all I can and the battle has shifted in the realm of God.

I’m glad I did. My fears were unfounded and God pulled through. Though our boss, his boss and his boss’ boss have been reassigned and our overseas counterparts have been assigned to any of three new teams, our local team remains intact. Fears of projects being cancelled did not materialize. Rumours of being reassigned to less fulfilling roles did not happen.

Through these events I have learned to trust God more. He's my real Boss anyway.

More of Him, less of me.

Press On!