Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 3: Busy... with what?

I used to consider myself busy. Lots of stuff to be done at work. Cruising from spreadsheet to spreadsheet, from e-mail to e-mail, from meeting to meeting, etc.

With today's technology being prevalent, I spend more time communicating through email even though the other person is a few steps away. Spending more time deleting spam than actually communicating. And spending the rest of the day going through reports, requests, etc.

And life just flashes by...

And I got myself thinking: Is this the best use of my time and energy? Is there something out there that will bring the utmost value if i do it myself? Where is my presence most needed? Who needs me most? 

As I look at how I spend my time, I find activities that I can do without. In fact, taking away some of them allowed me to spend more time doing stuff that makes my heart come alive.

It is beginning to do wonders. If I could risk a little bit more, I'm on my way to living a life with more passion!

Note: This post is about my reflections on what I read from the book. It is not a summary on the book contents.

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